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What I know About Mental Disorder and Where to Get Help

HI everyone. Have you guys ever see people with mental disorder ? Well, I have seen some people experiencing trouble living because of this disorder. I would say that this disorder might not look dangerous but it has the possibility to kill people who suffers from it. In fact, there are lots of celebrities that I know who life has been taken away because of this disorder. Even in 2019 the whole was shocked with the death of Choi Sulli and Go Hara due to suicide. These two are famous South Korea band singer with a lot of potential and talent. Another famous celebrity that committed suicide because of this disorder that I know are Kurt Cobain, Chester Bennington and Avicii. They are also biggest stars in Hollywood and have pretty good selling records and huge hits. Hence, I would say that this disorders does not recognize face and talent. 

Most famous types of mental disorder that I always heard are depression, anxiety, eating disorder and bipolar disorder. 


This is the most common type of mental disorder that I always heard of. Depression involves excessive feelings of sadness and despair. A person with depression often overthinks a lot, especially whenever they're alone. They also usually feel demotivated to do everything. For me, it is very hard to tell people who have depression just by looking at their faces because they can be really good at hiding it. Some depressed people also can appears as bubbly and cheerful in the public eyes but very sad whenever they alone. Based on my readings, people with depression usually have a dark past. Some are bullied, abused , molested and etc. 


Anxiety. I believe that being anxious is pretty normal for everyone. Like whenever you have final exam, competition and presentation in front lots of audiences will make you feel nervous and burdened. But this disorder is on another level. People with anxiety disorder constantly worries to much even when they do other normal things. It is harder to do daily life with being panic, full of fear and uneasiness. They also suffer from sleeping problems because their mind cannot stop worrying about everything.

Eating disorder

When I see "eating disorder" word I started to think of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. These two are most famous types of eating disorder. I discover a lot about this disorder through celebrities and famous influencers. Anorexia nervosa is when people fear of gaining weight and they decided to starve themselves in a long period.  Meanwhile, bulimia is when people decided to eat food and then intentionally they spit them out. Mostly people suffer from this disorder to meet standardized beauty and please the public eye where being "skinny" is a perfection. Well, I think that this standardized beauty have made a lot of people feel insecure and they would rather do anything to look good in front of people. As being fat often being called ugly and always being the target of body shaming, this creates trauma amongst some girls because they fear to not get acceptance. I believe people who obsessed of losing weight that they create abnormal style of diet are suffering from this disorder. But for me, creating excessive diet to be pretty is not healthy and could cause fatality due to lack of nutrient.

Bipolar disorder
I started to recognize this disorder through movies and stories of people living with other people with this disease . Well I think movies or stories are the greatest platform to give education to people more about mental disorder aren't they ? So when it comes to bipolar, I think it is quite different with other mental disorder that I have stated above. I think that they are more complicated. People that suffers from this usually will developed an abnormal lifestyle and have severe mood changes. It is a lifelong disease and certainly no magical cure. What can I say is support and understanding is always needed from close family or friends for people who suffering from bipolar. One of my favourite movies that showcase people with bipolar disease is "silver linings playbook" starred Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper.


I believe that people who suffers mentally are desperately looking for help but they don't really express it openly because they scared that people will avoid them. From what I can see around me and in social media, some people still lack of knowledge about mental illnesses. They often make fun at people who didn't act as normal person and labelled them as crazy. With lots of cyber bullying going around, it is getting harder to actually open up our feeling. But, there is always help. 

1) Treatment

I understand that when comes to mental disorder it is very hard to heal on your own. In fact, sometimes your mind won't let you recover. However, medical help always needed. Mental disorder is not about behaviour, it is about chemical imbalances in your brain. Hence, with right medication you can control what's on your brain.

2) Join a support group 
I believe that the there are many organization that build specifically for people with mental disorder. One of the organization is National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) . This organization usually help to reduce the stigma about mental disorder by educating people with the disorder as well as their family and friends. They also provide counselling session and always trying to empower people.

3) Motivating sources on internet
There is lots of motivating video on internet that encourage you to actually live life and be happy. Not just that, they also reveal what scary sequences you will have to face if you reluctant to get help any further. You are encourage to read others confession so you will not think that you are alone in this difficult life challenge. My current favourite motivator is Jay Shetty. His speech always relatable to me and hits differently. Jay also helps me to actually find my problem before looking for solutions. 

Here is the link for helplines in case you need any help👉

